- Ashley Stills
- 12/17/18
- 0
- General
Dear Friends,
December is one of the most important months of the year for our organization. The generous financial support of passionate people like you is the only reason Breath of Life Haiti is able to continue our mission to empower the people of Haiti through education; while fighting maternal and infant mortality by providing midwifery care and sharing the love of Christ.
In 2018, we’ve been able to see incredible impact. So far this year we have provided midwifery care to 134 women and babies, 27,000 hot lunches to the children in the primary and kindergarten school, education for 27 people through our adult education program and served 162 people through the medical clinic.
With your generous support, we have been able to set aside $53,000 towards the building fund for the future birthing center. The birthing center will be a place where women can find medical care and support, education, safe and sanitary conditions, and respect for them and their babies in a safe environment.
We have even greater ambitions for 2019. Together, we can see more lives impacted. In order to accomplish the goals we’ve set for 2019, we need to raise an additional $27,120 by Monday, December 31, 2018.
Reaching this goal will allow us to provide a hot meal and education to an additional 20 students at the primary and kindergarten school ($4,800), provide End-of-the-Year bonuses for 21 Haitian staff members ($2,320) and put money towards the building fund for the future birthing center ($20,000).
Meeting our end-of-the-year goal will also send us into the new year with momentum, investing more than ever toward the future of the women and families in Dèsarmes, Haiti. Would you consider a gift of $100, $250, $500, or whatever amount is on your heart, to help us reach our goal of $27,120? Your gift will greatly impact the lives of women and children.
Donors who give an amount of $50 or more will receive a beautiful 2019 Breath of Life Haiti calendar featuring photos of the women and families in Dèsarmes, Haiti.
Checks can be written and mailed to Breath of Life Haiti, PO Box 1792, Warsaw, Indiana 46581-1792. To give online, please click here.
Thank you for your support.
-Ashley Stills, BOLH Staff + Board of Directors

Photo // Christi Stafford Photography

Photo // Christi Stafford Photography

Photo // Real Living Photography
Tags: birth assistant, birth matters, breath of life, breath of life haiti, education, empowerment, every mother counts, global health, Haiti, midwifery