Stories from Haiti
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Meet Nurse Timay. We first met Nurse Timay when she attended our first expectant mothers class in July 2014. She is currently serving as a matròn (traditional birth attendant) and delivering babies for the women in the community of Dèsarmes. Breath of Life is supplying Nurse Timay with clean birth kits that include essential items for birth.

Nurse Timay testing out the blood pressure monitor on Ashley Stills, founder of Breath of Life Haiti .
In the spring of 2015 we plan to send Nurse Timay to Midwives for Haiti for 12 month midwifery course in Hinche. When Nurse Timay has completed her course, she will be a paid employee of Breath of Life and run our prenatal and postnatal programs that we are working on.
Nurse Timay is smart, gentle and amazingly passionate about the women and community of Dèsarmes. We are so grateful for her faithful heart to serve and be part of our ministry.