- Ashley Stills
- 7/24/18
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- General
We are excited to introduce you to the newest member of our team-meet Love Sandra! Love Sandra is 28 years old, single, with no children. She is originally from Port-au-Prince. She attended 4 years at Universite Adventiste d’ Haïti (UNAH), and 1 year at Midwives for Haïti. She began employment with Breath of Life Haiti on July 1, 2018.
Love Sandra said, “I want to help the people of Haiti. Many of them do not have access to health/medical care. I want to give my support to Breath of Life Haiti, and help them grow their organization. I look forward to working with Breath of Life Haiti’s team. I want to give my best of myself to BOLH and to the women and families in Dèsarmes.”
We are currently looking for partners to support Love Sandra on a recurring monthly basis. If you would like to support her salary, please go to: https://purecharity.com/love-sandras-midwifery-salary
Tags: breastfeeding, breath of life haiti, education, empowerment, global health, Haiti, home birth, maternal health, midwife, midwifery, midwives for haiti, missions, natural childbirth, Vitamin Angels