- Ashley Stills
- 8/28/17
- 0
- Breath of Life Events, General
Join us for the 2nd annual Breath of Life Haiti Bump.Set. Spike! beach volleyball tournament on Saturday, September 9, 2017 (Rain Date: Saturday, September 23, 2017) at Spikes Beach Grill in Warsaw Indiana.
This is a family-friendly event featuring music (The United Band 2pm-4pm), raffles, silent auction, bounce house and face-painting (11:30am-2:00pm). This event is sure to be fun for the entire family! Even if you aren’t playing volleyball, join us for lunch and as a spectator!
Volleyball team registration is now OPEN! The tournament will be limited to 12 teams, 6 players (4 players + 2 subs), double elimination. Team registration is $120. If you do not have a team and would like to be placed on one, indivdiual registration is $35. Prizes will be awarded to 1st, 2nd and 3rd placed teams.
Breath of Life Haiti is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization with a mission to empower the people of Haiti through education; while fighting maternal and infant mortality by providing midwifery care and sharing the love of Christ.
Player check-in is the day of the event at 10:00am. The tournament will be at 11:00am. Team registration is non-refundable. Rain Date: Saturday, September 23, 2017.
For registration, please go to: https://bolh-volleyball-tournament-2017.eventbrite.com
For any questions, please contact Ashley at info@breathoflifehaiti.com
11:30am-2:00pm–Face Painting
2:00pm-4:00pm– The United Band
Clevenger Insurance Agency
Wildman Business Group
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Silent Auction Donors: Cerulean, Four Sisters Farm Soap Co., Clearwater Car Wash, Heather Ross, Mary Kay Independent Beauty Consultant, All Things Through Him, Pallets and Prints, The Repurpose Room Marketplace, Wyatt & Company Hair Design, Inc, Createyourcanvas, Reinholt’s Town Square Furniture and more.