- Ashley Stills
- 7/06/16
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- General
Almost three years ago, God gave me the vision for Breath of Life Haiti. The vision to educate, empower, love and care for women and families in Dèsarmes, Haiti. When He laid this beautiful mission on my heart, I knew He was calling me to love the hurting and oppressed.
At the time, I didn’t necessarily know what that would “look” like. However it was quickly revealed; as He laid the stones before our feet. From the beginning it was very clear that He was leading the ministry to focus on women and families.
After researching the statistics, I was disturbed in the lack of maternal health (prenatal, delivery and postnatal) available to the Haitian women. Only 25% of births are attended by a skilled provider. Basically the remaining 75% of births are assisted through unskilled family, friends and/or neighbors. As a result, Haiti is the most dangerous country in the Western Hemisphere to give birth.
Through much prayer, it became very clear that our focus should be assisting the needs of expectant mothers. We originally started with two programs; the expectant mothers class and providing clean birth kits to matròns (Haitian birth attendants).
Over the course of two years, the ministry and vision has grown dramatically. In addition to the Two-Day Expectant Mothers Program and Clean Birth Kits, we also have the New Mamas Class and Teenage Enrichment Program.
In August of 2015, we sent Nurse Timay to a 12 month midwifery/skilled birth attendant course through Midwives for Haiti. We have also purchased land for the future birthing center. The birthing center will be the location where expectant mothers can find medical care and support, education, safe and sanitary conditions, and respect for them and their babies in a safe environment.
In addition, Breath of Life offers other programs with a goal of education and empowerment. We have successfully implemented our Literacy Program and our Sewing Enrichment Program. We will be launching our Entrepreneurial Training Program in January 2017.
However, the “program” I most cherish is sharing the love of Christ. Our greatest calling is to speak life and hope into the women and families. No matter how much we try to provide for the women and their families, it will never been enough. The only one who can sustain them fully, is the one who gives life. Jesus.
It is my desire for each woman to fully understand their value. Their true worth can only be found in Him.
As Christians, one of the greatest ways we can show the love of Christ is through our actions. Even though our love is minimal compared to His, it can be a light in the midst of darkness. By walking alongside one of the most monumental times in the women’s lives (birthing LIFE into the world!), we have the opportunity to encourage and love them well.
For some of the women in our program, it is difficult to understand His Grace and divine love because they have never experienced an earthly love. Through our actions of love (compassion, patience, faithfulness), it allows us to build genuine relationships with the women and families. Which opens up a door of opportunity to minister through His Word; and offer a breath of life spiritually.
Please pray for the us as we continue share Gods Word and the love with the women and their families.
Tags: breath of life haiti, breathe life, clean birth kits, empowerment, entrepreneurial training program, future birthing center, global health, Haiti, literacy program, maternal health, midwives for haiti, missions, sewing program