- Ashley Stills
- 3/26/15
- 0
- General, Stories from Haiti
During my time in Haiti this past week, I had the opportunity to make it over to Albert Schweitzer Hospital in Deschapelles. As I have mentioned in previous posts, HAS is located about 20 minutes driving distance from where we are located in Dèsarmes. All of our high-risk mothers are referred to HAS for care.
I made the trip to the hospital to meet with Ellen Bolden. Ellen is a nutritionist and program manager at the hospital. Ellen was instrumental with the partnership between HAS and Vitamin Angels to provide prenatal vitamins to our mothers.
![Ellen Bolden, Nutritionist and Program Manager for HAS with Ashley Stills, Founder and President of Breath of Life.](http://breathoflifehaiti.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/03/FullSizeRender-2-450x600.jpg)
Ellen Bolden, Nutritionist and Program Manager for HAS with Ashley Stills, Founder and President of Breath of Life.
I was very impressed with the efficiency of the hospital and excellent care that HAS is providing. Some of their programs include surgical, maternity care, malnutrition, education on hygiene, bringing clean water into communities and more.
While we were touring the hospital, a young lady approached us as we were gathered around talking. To our amazment it was Germinal! Germinal was one of our sweet mamas from our January pregnancy class. She happened to be at HAS with her newborn son. Germinal and her son had been in the hospital for the past 8 days due to her going into labor early. The hospital is continuing to monitor her son until he gains a healthy weight.
We are incredibly thankful for a healthy mother and baby boy! We are also thankful for the amazing work HAS is doing to serve the Deschapelles community and surrounding area.
How refreshing it is to see our mothers and new babes as we walk along the streets in Dèsarmes. We even get to see their sweet faces while we visit the hospital. It’s encouraging to see hope, gratitude and love in their eyes.
As we left the hospital and were reflecting on the trip, we were once again reminded at the impact this ministry is going to make in the many lives of families in the community. Thank you for your continued prayers and support for what we are doing. Together we are loving, serving and developing relationships that run deep.
Tags: Albert Schweitzer Hospital, Haiti, maternal care, Vitamin Angels