- Hannah Fry
- 7/16/19
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- General
36% Percent of Haitian student drop out before reaching the 6th grade
Primary school, as many know, plays the crucial role of setting the foundation for a child’s future. While enrollment for primary school has increased over the years in Haiti, several children still find themselves unable to keep up with course work, attend classes or afford the necessary uniforms or supplies to continue their studies. Currently 36% of children that attend Haitian schools dropout of school before reaching the 6th grade. This heartbreaking statistic has several origins, but commonly as children grow up and start to acquire more responsibilities at home they are faced with the tough decision of continuing on the not-so-promising path of the Haitian education system, or getting a job/staying home and helping their families.
Insufficient funds and the lack of infrastructure make Haitian schools extremely unreliable. Under-qualified educators, unprofessional and corrupt directors, as well as inconsistent operation hours cause a great deal of suffering to students’ educational experiences. This fragile system is constantly faced with the challenge of providing education to huge amounts of children with little to no supplies, thus providing very low-quality education. The lack of infrastructure also contributes to the shortage of school sites as well, making it nearly impossible for many rural families to attend school.
Literacy rate is more than 30% below the Latin American and Caribbean Averages
According to the CIA World Factbook and the World Bank, Haiti’s literacy rate has an average of 61% while the average literacy rate for Latin American and Caribbean developing countries is 92%. Literacy is by far the most crucial aspect of education and without the ability to read and write students are unable to learn any other subjects or continue their education.
A few other contributing factors to Haiti’s struggling education system:
Gender Inequality, Classroom Overcrowding and The effects of Natural Disaster and Political Climate
Overall, the Haitian education system has always been one of flaws and frustrations. While we cannot deny or disregard the growth that has occurred in the past few decades, we see so much room for improvement and strive to provide students with the skills, tools, and environments needed for success.
One of our core beliefs here at Breath of Life Haiti is that education empowers. Access to education is one of the most powerful and rewarding tools that can be provided to anyone anywhere. In the past few years, God has blessed our organization with the resources to open and run our very own primary school. Our primary school provides consistent and quality education to our over 150 currently registered.
By investing in the youth through education we are guiding them to a brighter future. With your help of either a recurring monthly partnership of $20 or a one-time gift of $240, we will be able to provide students and teachers with uniforms, books, school supplies and more! Though it may just seem like a primary education program we believe it has the potential to transform a community and country over time.
Badger, Erik. “Haiti Statistics.” Haiti Partners, Haiti Partners, 18 Jan. 2018, haitipartners.org/haiti-statistics/.
“STATISTICS.” RSS, www.childrenofhaitiproject.org/statistics#schools-in-haiti.
“The World Factbook: Haiti.” Central Intelligence Agency, Central Intelligence Agency, 1 Feb. 2018, www.cia.gov/library/publications/the-world-factbook/geos/ha.html.
“World Development Indicators.” DataBank, databank.worldbank.org/data/reports.aspx?source=2&type=metadata&series=SE.ADT.LITR.ZS.