- Jessica VandenBoom
- 5/14/19
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- General
Transitions are always times of reflection. They provide time to look back on all you have done and look forward to all you will do. There are moments to celebrate, moments to learn from, and moments to remember for a lifetime.
I am currently in one of those transition times.
I just completed my junior year at Grace College. It is amazing how time flies. Looking back on the last six months, I have done a lot. I have completed nine classes, planned countless intramural events, played 50-something softball games, written a dozen blog posts, and learned more than I ever thought possible. I am blessed beyond measure by the opportunities God set in front of me this year, and I will never forget the experiences I have had.
As this is my last blog post and I transition into a new summer internship, I am thankful for learning more about the passions God has wired into me. Through my time with Breath of Life Haiti, I have discovered my passion for people in a new way. I have realized a need I never knew the depth of; I have learned to pray fervently and give where I can. We all are gifted in different ways, yet we are all called to serve those in need. I hope that you all have an experience that teaches you the ways God wants you to give—that was this internship for me.
Ashley has been an incredible role model to me of what it looks like to chase after your passions and find the place they align with God’s calling. I am reminded of this quote by Frederick Buechner: “The place where God calls you to is the place where your deep gladness and the world’s deep hunger coincide.” Ashley has been obedient to the Lord in following her dreams, and she is making an incredible impact as a result. Her gladness in helping met mothers in need in Haiti, and God continues to be glorified through her and this ministry each and every day.
If I take nothing else away from my time here, I will move forward knowing that there is no greater joy than to follow the path that God paves. Following God with blind trust and total faith puts us in a position to be used by Him. I pray that you may open your heart to the ways God might be calling you to follow your passion, and that you may step into them confidently and on-mission for the Lord.
Thank you to all who support this ministry and keep Haiti in your prayers—know that you are making a difference, and your reward will be great in Heaven.
Have a blessed summer,
Jessica VandenBoom
“The King will reply, ‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.’”
Matthew 25:40