- Ashley Stills
- 4/18/19
- 0
- Breath of Life Events
On Saturday, August 17th a group of dedicated supporters will be tandem skydiving in Chicago to raise money for Breath of Life Haiti’s future birthing center.
You can get involved and show support by:
1. JUMPING-Show your dedication to our mission by creating a giving campaign through PureCharity, and jump with the group on August, 17th, 2019 Interested in jumping? For more information email Ashley at info@breathoflifehaiti.com.
2. GIVE-Donate towards our goal by either giving to our campaign or someone who is jumping. We have a goal to raise $10,000 towards the birthing center. You can donate by going to: https://www.purecharity.com/breath-of-life-haiti-jump-for-life-
3. SUPPORT-Cheer on our “jumpers” and show support the day of the jump. Show your support by encouraging our jumpers before they board the plane and watch them land while sitting at the patio near the landing pad.
How will your donation impact our mission? ALL money raised will go directly towards the building campaign. The birthing center will be the location where expectant mothers can find medical care and support, education, safe and sanitary conditions, and respect for them and their babies in a safe environment.
With a population of 10 million, Haiti is the poorest country in the Western Hemisphere. Only about 25% of births in Haiti are attended by a skilled provider. Most women do not receive prenatal, postnatal or newborn care.
As a result, Haiti is the most dangerous country in the Western Hemisphere to give birth. Most of these maternal deaths are caused by eclampsia, sepsis, and postpartum hemorrhage (bleeding). In other words, most of these deaths are preventable.
Currently our skilled birth attendants are providing midwifery care (prenatal, delivery, postnatal and newborn care) to families in the community. We have a vision to build a birthing center in Dèsarmes, Haiti.