- Ashley Stills
- 8/16/16
- 0
- General
Today my three children start their first day back to school. It has been a day they have anticipated for the past couple of weeks since we purchased the backpacks, clothes and school supplies.
The past few days we have been sorting through the school supplies and double-checking the supply list to make sure every item has been purchased. Last night we marked their initials on their folders, notebooks, every single crayon and colored pencil. The thought of my children having the opportunity to expand their minds to learn new information and concepts is exhilarating!
But through the excitement, I think it’s only fair to take the time to ponder upon the vast blessings we have been given. I think it’s important to often reflect on how lucky we are to live in the United States. We live in a country of abundance of opportunity. Not only do we have the opportunity for an education but most of us have access to food on a daily basis.
Did you know that in Haiti, parents have to pay to send their children to school? Most children don’t make it past the 6th grade because of financial burdens. When a parent is faced with providing basic essential needs (shelter, clothing, food, etc.) verse sending them to school, it’s a sad situation. However, this is the reality for most Haitian families.
According to USAID, over half the population lives on less than $1 per day, and about 80 percent live on less than $2 per day.
Nearly a third of the Haitian population is food insecure. Poverty and food insecurity have placed the highest burden on young children and women in terms of undernutrition and micronutrient deficiencies.
Malnourished children are more susceptible to disease and, as a result, less likely to perform well in school. Many parents struggle to pay school fees and provide enough food to feed their families.
A Haitian pastor recently approached us about his vision to provide a hot meal for the students in the school. What better way to be the hand and feet of Jesus by feeding children? In Matthew 25:40 Jesus said, “Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.”
Through this partnership, we would like to show the love of Christ by providing some basic school supplies, a school uniform and a hot meal each school day (throughout the school year). We know this act of love gives us the opportunity share about Jesus and potentially chance a family’s situation.

A one-time donation of $48, provides one student a hot meal (each school day), uniform and school supplies for an entire school year!
A ONE-TIME DONATION of $48, provides one student a hot meal (each school day), uniform and school supplies for an entire school year! We have a goal to provide for 300 children. Would you consider generously giving to this need?
To donate simply click here or make a donation through our website by choosing “Feeding Program for School in Petionville”. ***For tax-deductible purposes, the money will be cycled through Breath of Life Haiti. 100% of the funds raised goes directly to Pastor Yves to support this project.
Tags: breath of life haiti, Christian Center School, feeding program, Haiti