- Ashley Stills
- 1/25/16
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This is a beautiful story of redemption.
Last October while I was on the ground in Haiti, I had the opportunity to love on the sweet young woman in the photo. A friend shared with me that a young woman in the church was pregnant. The father of the baby had chosen to not take responsibility of the baby and her mother was not happy either. So she felt alone and ashamed. She could have participated in our pregnancy classes but felt too ashamed to be in the class. So ashamed that she was trying to conceal that she was pregnant from family, friends and church members.
To be respectful of her hurting heart, Nurse Kerry and I took her into the house to give her a prenatal checkup. Kerry and I were able to show Mama Erline the fetal models, photos of baby development in the womb and play the baby’s heartbeat for her. During this time my heart was completely broken. Because I have been there in the shame, guilt and brokenness. Through my own past struggles and experiences, I genuinely knew how bad her heart was hurting.
We were able to speak life into her heart by simply reminding her that she was loved by me and Kerry but more importantly the God of the Universe. The God that created the trees, animals, oceans, mountains and heavens. The God that created it, ALL. And the Lord God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul. (Genesis 2:7) We are beautifully created in His Image.
As we prayed over her and her un-born baby, tears streamed down my face. God so beautifully whispered to my heart, that I was put into position “for such a time as this”. I am called to love, encourage and remind other women around the world that they are loved, cherished and valued. That He creates beauty from ashes.
I will forever cherish that moment because while God was leading me to love and minister to Erline, He was doing the same to me. Often times we feel alone, abandoned, un-loved, un-cherished. But He has not forsaken us. He came to show us faithful never-ending love. He gives us hope, joy, love and peace. He brings us an amazing gift…Grace.
It brings me great joy Mama Erline gave birth to a beautiful healthy girl. Please keep her and her new baby girl Lo-Ruchama in your prayers. I can’t wait to hold (squeeze tight) that sweet mama and her baby.