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Michelet Cètoute
Program Director
Meet Michelet Cètoute. He is 34 years old, married, expecting their first child in August. He is a pastor and director for Breath of Life Haiti.
“I like when the mothers come to clinic and I can help them. Breath of Life Haiti brings education for people in Dèsarmes. Mothers used to die, but now, are healthy, have opportunities for work and know how to take care of their children.”

Timay Adeline
Head Midwife
Meet Timay Adeline. Timay is 32 years old, and has a 4 year old daughter. She is the head midwife for the organization. She is kind, compassionate, gentle, wise and works tirelessly loving and serving her community well. She catches 10-13 babies a month.
Timay said, “I am so happy when I can deliver the moms and babies, and they are safe. This makes me so happy. Moms are living! Before Breath of Life Haiti came into the community, moms were dying. Now, moms and babies are living. My goal is to build the birthing center!”.

Love Sandra Derosier
Meet Love Sandra. Love Sandra is 28 years old, single, with no children. She is originally from Port-au-Prince. She attended 4 years at Universite Adventiste d’ Haïti (UNAH), and 1 year at Midwives for Haïti. She began employment with Breath of Life Haiti on July 1, 2018.
Love Sandra said, “I want to help the people of Haiti. Many of them do not have access to health/medical care. I want to give my support to Breath of Life Haiti, and help them grow their organization. I look forward to working with Breath of Life Haiti’s team. I want to give my best of myself to BOLH and to the women and families in Dèsarmes.”.

Kerline Marius
Birth Assistant
Meet Kerline Marius. Kerline is one of our beloved birth assistants. If you have had the opportunity to meet Kerline, you know she has a BIG personality-passionate, expressive, loving and funny!
She is single, 37 years old with two children. She said, “I love teaching the moms how to take the baby out and when the baby is born.”
Kerline’s goal for the future is to become a midwife someday. “My dream is to see all the moms in the community have life and to build the birthing center for women to delivery safe.

Arèlien Dieula
Birth Assistant

Guilner Arice
Adult Education Teacher
Meet Guilner Arice. Gildna is 34 years old, married with two children. He is one of our teachers for the adult education program. Guilner said, “Educating the young is the key for the nation. You can not develop a country without education”.
His goal for the future is to study agriculture, purchase more land to grow his garden and earn more money for his community and family. Guilner said, “Before Breath of Life Haiti, lots of moms were dying when pregnant, with no support. Now with the support of Breath of Life, moms are living.”

Erline Petit-nord
Primary School + Adult Education Teacher
Meet Erline Petit-Nord. Erline is a single, 22 year old. She participated/received care through our midwifery care program. Erline is the mother to a daughter who is 3 years old.
Erline is a teacher at the primary and adult school. She said she likes to “help the children learn French or Creole more”. Her goal for the future is to return to school for higher education. Erline said, “Breath of Life does so many things-helps adults read and write, take care of children and mamas”.

Joseph Givenet
Primary School Teacher
Meet Joseph Givenet. Joseph is 30 years old and engaged. The wedding is planned for December. He is a teacher at the primary school.
“I enjoy working with people. I like children very much. I have a goal to become a pastor in my community. Breath of Life Haiti is helping many, many women and families. I appreciate with Breath of Life Haiti is doing in the community.”

Vestha Joseph
Primary School Teacher
Meet Vestha Joseph. Vestha is single, 22 years old, without children. She is a teacher at the primary school. Vestha said, “My favorite part of my job is to show the children to play different games and show them how to read and write.” Her goal is to finish school to become a nurse.
Vestha said, “Breath of Life Haiti is impacting the community. Before, a lot of moms would die when they gave birth. Now we have less women die when the babies are born. The children go to school. They make a good impact in the community.”

Elisma Frantz
Primary School Teacher
Elisma Frantz is a single, 29 year old, with no children. He is a teacher at the primary school and a farmer. His favorite part of being a teacher is working with the children.
His goal is to grow as a teacher and have his own university some day. Elisma said, “Our community is very poor. Breath off Life brought us change, like jobs. Breath of Life Haiti is doing good things. I love this organization.”

Laudie Marie Pierre
Primary School Teacher
Meet Laudie Marie Pierre. She is 29 years old, married with two children (one boy and girl). She is a teacher and gardener at the primary school. The thing she enjoys most about her job is discovering new activities for the children at the school.
Her goal for the future is to be the best teacher for the children and be a good mother. Laudie said, “There has been so much good change. Breath of Life Haiti empowers pregnant women-that is very good for this community.”

Nephtalie Estiverne
Primary School Teacher
Meet Nephtalie Estiverne. She is a single, 21 year old woman with no children. She is a teacher for the primary school. She said, “I like seeing the children learn how to read and write.”
Her goal is to become the best teacher to save her community. Nephtalie said, “Breath of Life Haiti helps the community with the children go to school, helps moms read and write, and I am so glad BOLH came to establish in my community of Dèsarmes.”

Daleine Petit-nord
Primary School Teacher
Meeting Daleine Petit-nord. She is a married, 24 year old woman with one child. She is a teacher at the primary school. In the afternoon she attends secondary school. The thing she likes most about her job is playing with the children.
Her goal for the future is to finish school, go to college and become a doctor. She said, “Breath of Life Haiti is doing so many things. They are helping the children and moms-lots and lots of things!”

Matha Pierre
Meet Matha Pierre. She is 49 years old, and married with 6 children and 2 grandchildren. Matha is one of our cooks at the school. Matha participated in the business training with Breath of Life Haiti in January 2017. She has a small business selling rice and beans at the market.
Her goal for the future is to have a big shop someday selling “big things such as sacks of rice”. Matha said, “Breath of Life Haiti gives the community so much. They give children help and support.”

Anithe Favelia
Meet Anithe Favelia. She is 22 years old and married. She works for the organization as a cook for the primary school. She said, ” I like to teach the small children how to eat.”
Her goal for the future is to have a “good husband”. She said, “Breath of Life Haiti is doing a good thing in this community.”