- Ashley Stills
- 3/01/20
- 0
- General
Dear Friends,
Please continue to pray for Haiti. There is still a lot of political unrest and food insecurity. Many parents are struggling to provide for their families. Our programs are very important in the community.
Currently we need people to partner with us for our primary school. A monthly amount of $20 ($240/year) provides education and a hot meal for one child for the school year. In Haiti, like everywhere else in the world, education is important.
Education is a basic human right and central to achieving other sustainable outcomes (Global Affairs Canada, 2017). According to Global Affairs Canada (2017), education is a key component for reducing poverty, fostering economic growth, achieving gender equality, and social development.
There are even more benefits to girls targeted at education (Global Affairs Canada, 2017). According to Global Affairs Canada (2017), educated girls find better jobs, marry later, have fewer children, are likely to have children who suffer from malnutrition, less likely to have children who die before the age of five, less likely to turn to prostitution and less prone to be victims of sexual violence or become infected with HIV.
Please consider partnering with us to provide education and make a difference in the life of a child and family. To partner, please click here to make a one-time amount of $240 or setup a $20 recurring monthly donation.
Ashley Stills, CPM
BOLH Founder + Executive Director
February 2020 Midwifery Care Stats:
Prenatal Exams: 35
Postnatal Exams: 22
Newborn Exams: 15
Home Births: 7
Maternal Deaths: 0
Infant Deaths: 0
Referrals to the Hospital: 1