- Ashley Stills
- 12/29/14
- 0
- General
It is hard to believe that 2014 is coming to a close and soon we will be beginning a new year. We are excited about new opportunities and excited about what is waiting for us in 2015.
In 2015 we will continue to progress our current projects including to supply Clean Delivery Kits to the matròns in the community, raise money to send Nurse Timay to get trained as a midwife at Midwives for Haiti, raise money for land for the future birthing center, teach Expectant Mothers Classes and continuing to work with the young women and teach the Teenage Girls Enrichment classes.
Today, we’re reaching out for Year-End Donations. Our goal is to raise money to send Nurse Timay to Midwives for Haiti for a 12 month midwifery program. You see, even though we have been fighting maternal and infant morality this last year through educating the mothers and providing clean delivery kits to Nurse Timay, that simply isn’t enough. We believe that many lives have been saved his year that may have been lost, but we still have a long fight ahead. It is vital for Nurse Timay to further her education as a midwife so she can recognize the signs of risk and get the mothers transferred to a hospital in high-risk situations.
That’s why our goal for the end of the year is to raise $5,590 by December 31st. If we raise that amount, we’ll be able to send Nurse Timay to Midwives for Haiti for the 12 month course in the spring. We need your help to make it happen.
Would you be willing to make a special year-end donation of $50, $100, $500 or whatever you can afford to help us meet our goal? All donations are tax deductible.
We simply can’t do it without you. But together, we can. Your support will make a real, lasting impact in the lives of women, babies and their families. Ultimately it will make a huge impact on the community.
Please, click here to make your donation now. The lives of many mothers, babies and families are at risk.
Thank you for your continued support and friendship.
With gratitude,
Ashley Stills
Founder + President
Breath of Life Haiti
P.S. Today, we’re reaching out for last minute Year-End Donations. Our goal is to raise $5,590 to send Nurse Timay to Midwives for Haiti for a 12 month midwifery program. We can’t do it without your help. Will you make a gift of $50, $100 or whatever you can afford to help us meet this goal? Click here to make your donation now!
Breath of Life Haiti is 501(c)3 organization with a mission to fight maternal and infant mortality in Dèsarmes, Haiti by offering a breath of life through providing prenatal and delivery care while sharing God’s Word and the love of Christ.
**All donations are tax deductible.
Tags: Donation, Donations, End of Year Giving, Giving, Haiti, Nurse Timay