- Ashley Stills
- 12/15/14
- 0
- Breath of Life Events, General
Breath of Life Haiti is teaming up with Apparent Project! We are super excited about this fundraiser because you can participate and help two organizations.
The Apparent Project is a sustainable 501(c)3 nonprofit artisans guild working to preserve Haitian families and prevent kids from being orphaned. Purchases empower artisans to care for their children with hope and dignity.
Breath of Life Haiti is 501(c)3 organization with a mission to fight maternal and infant mortality in Dèsarmes, Haiti by offering a breath of life through providing prenatal and delivery care while sharing God’s Word and the love of Christ.
All of the jewelry is made out of recyclable material such as thin cardboard (cereal boxes, soda boxes, etc.), 55 gallon oil drums and aluminum cans. Check out Apparent Project’s video to watch the process of the artisans projects.
So basically you can make a purchase and support two amazing organizations. Essentially you are fighting poverty, infant and maternal mortality as well as empowering artisans and families all in one purchase. Plus, you look good doing it.! How amazing is that!?
Earrings: $6
Braceletes $8
Necklaces $12
To place an order you can email us at info@breathoflifehaiti.com
Tags: Apparent Project, fair trade, fundraiser, jewelry