- Ashley Stills
- 11/24/14
- 0
- Breath of Life Events
Black Friday. Cyber Monday. #GivingTuesday!
We have a day for giving thanks. We have two for getting deals. Now, we have #GivingTuesday, a global day dedicated to giving back.
On Tuesday, December 2, 2014, charities, families, businesses, community centers, and students around the world will come together for one common purpose: to celebrate generosity and to give.
It’s a simple idea. Just find a way for your family, your community, your company or your organization to come together to give something more. Then tell everyone you can about how you are giving. Join us and be a part of a global celebration of a new tradition of generosity.
Breath of Life invites you to partner with us on this day of giving. We are raising money for land for the birthing center. We have a goal of raising $5,000. Would you consider partnering with us?
If you are not able to be a financial partner at this time you can still help by helping spread the word about #GivingTuesday and our organization.
To make a financial donations, use our YouCaring link at www.youcaring.com/givingtuesdayforbreathoflifehaiti
**All donations are tax deductible.
Tags: #GivingTuesday, Donations