The average Haitian lives on a wage of $2 or less per day. Their limited income covers basic essential needs; such as shelter, transportation, food, clothing and communication. Therefore, many children do not have the opportunity to attend school because of limited finances. The children who do attend, often do not make it past the 6th grade.
According to UNICEF, the adult literacy rate in Haiti is 48.7%. We strongly believe that education is a key factor in empowering a community. Seeing the need within the community we serve, we made a decision to do something about it.
In April of 2015, we began a literacy program for women in the community. Currently we have 20 women participating in the program. The women gather at the church three times a week to read and write together. In addition to reading and writing, the women are also learning basic math skills.
We believe through education, women will be empowered to become leaders within their household and community. Our dream is for women to have the ability to ready storybooks to their children, grow their businesses and read God’s Word!
The literacy project is currently funded through Living Hope Ministries in Warsaw, Indiana.